College of Charleston Events Jan. 19 & 20

On Tuesday, January 19th Professor Sarah Haley from UCLA will give a lecture at 6pm in RSS 235 [the old library] on “The Carceral Life of Gender.”

Event Description:
In the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, imprisoned black women faced wrenching forms of gendered racial terror and economic exploitation on chain gangs. Professor Sarah Haley will deliver a lecture on January 19 based on her groundbreaking new book about imprisoned black women’s brutalization in convict labor systems. Drawing upon black feminist criticism, Haley illuminates how prisoners’ acts of resistance and sabotage challenged ideologies of racial capitalism and patriarchy and offered alternative conceptions of social and political life. She recovers black women’s stories of captivity and punishment to demonstrate how the system of incarceration was crucial to organizing the logics of gender and race, and constructing Jim Crow modernity.

Location Information:
Main Campus – Robert Scott Small Building, Room 235


At 7pm on the same day in the Wells Fargo Auditorium (on Liberty Street) Bill Hoffman, a human rights lawyer specializing in US immigration cases, will be giving a talk on the US immigration system in light of human rights concerns.

On Wednesday, January 20th,  at 5:30 PM Dr Julie Wiese will be lecturing in Randolph Hall on the history of Mexican migration to the US South since 1910.